La Liga

Pique’s hilarious revelation about Mourinho’s methods

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Between 2010 and 2013, the rivalry between Barça and Real Madrid reached its climax. The two clubs, rivals since always, clashed with at their head, the two greatest coaches of the moment: Pep Guardiola and José Mourinho. During the three years of the Portuguese’s stay on the bench of the White House, the duels between the two teams offered us ultra tense shocks, the red cards having become the custom. A situation which could in part be due to the management of the former Chelsea, as explained by FC Barcelona defender Gérard Piqué.

“Mourinho goes in the minds of the players”

“Mourinho in press conferences, every day, you know how he is, he has a style. At some point it became too much for Pep Guardiola. Sometimes what happened off the pitch was more important only on the pitch. In the end, Guardiola left. Madrid won La Liga that season and all of a sudden he decided to leave for many reasons, but I’m sure it was partly because with Mourinho it was too much… Mourinho goes into players’ minds and says ‘that guy hates you’ and then you think he hates you I went to see Iker Casillas in the national team and I said “Hey Iker” to him, and he didn’t speak to me (laughs). At that time I didn’t know it, but now I know it’s because the coach really knows how to go in players’ minds and change their way of thinking.” Something to bring back good memories of these boiling Clasicos between the two teams.

to summarize

Gerard Pique has looked back to the days of the clasicos between Real Madrid and Barca when Jose Mourinho was the White House coach in Spain. He looks back on a reunion with goalkeeper Iker Casillas.

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L’article Pique’s hilarious revelation about Mourinho’s methods est apparu en premier sur 24hfootnews.



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