La Liga

Pablo Longoria pays tribute to Ligue 1 and thanks PSG


Answering everyday questions brand, the president of Olympique de Marseille has engaged in a real exercise in promoting the French championship. According to the Spaniard, the arrival of Lionel Messi in the capital constitutes in this context a real asset for Ligue 1.

Pablo Longoria, OM Olympique de Marseille

An OM president who speaks well of his biggest rival does not happen every day. Yet that is what Pablo Longoria has done in the past few hours. In the columns of brandthe young leader did not hesitate to say all the good things he thought about Lionel Messi’s arrival at Paris Saint-Germain.

“It attracts, there is a collective interest, there is no doubt. It allowed the league to have a strategic partner with CVC”, It influences, it is important for French football to change direction: thus argued the 36-year-old man in the columns of the sports daily. As a reminder, CVC is an investment fund based in Luxembourg and has recently become a minority shareholder in the French championship.

“In Spain we have a very undervalued French championship”

Despite the recruitment of Pulga, the image of Ligue 1 still suffers too much from a bad image abroad, according to the boss of the Provençal club. To support his words, the native of Oviedo cites the example of the aborted transfer of Kylian Mbappé to Real Madrid. “There is a big difference in the conception and the vision that we can have in Spain regarding the maintenance of Mbappé at PSG. In Spain, we have a very undervalued French league. It’s a competitive championship, continues Pablo Longoria.

Also questioned about his future at the head of the Marseille team, the Spaniard let it be known that he had no not at all the intention to jump ship despite the Champions League elimination fiasco.

Daraja Kapoor

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