La Liga

in tears, Marcelo’s farewell to the Meringues


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Real Madrid is turning a page in its history. At 34, and 15 years after joining the White House, Marcelo said goodbye to his only club in Europe. During all these years, the left side will have won 25 trophies, taken part in 564 games, for 38 goals and 103 assists. He became the player who won the most titles in the history of the most successful club in the world, which is to say the size of the feat.

“I woke up every day with a smile”

Today he faced the media in an emotional press conference, where he couldn’t hold back his tears: “It’s been a wonderful adventure. Today I’m leaving Madrid feeling the player with the most titles in the history of the best team in the world. I want to thank Real Madrid, the best club in the world. I woke up every day with a smile. When I left Brazil, I I had in mind to play in the Champions League… Today I leave as the player with the most Real Madrid titles. It’s not a goodbye, because I will never really leave Real Madrid “, he said, before paying a strong tribute to Raul, his former captain, also moved by his speech: “Raul, Mon Capi, when I arrived here, you supported me with big details .When my son Enzo was born, you taught me a lot as a leader. You and your family gave us a basket with many things when my son is t born and I will never forget it (laughs) I started seeing you as a captain, an idol, and I wanted to follow you. I had an example, it was you.

to summarize

Real Madrid said goodbye to the White House after 15 years in Spain. The Brazilian couldn’t hold back his tears during his farewell conference. He also paid a strong tribute to his former captain Raul.

Daraja Kapoor

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