The Autonomous Premier League Implementation Committee is scheduled to hold its 2nd meeting on Friday, June 16, 2022.
The Committee held its maiden meeting held on June 6, 2022 which was attended by all the members.
At the meeting, the agenda for discussion includes the Terms of Reference, Target Commencement Date for the Autonomous Premier League, Membership of the League, Legal and Administration Issues, Budgetary and Other Requirements, Action Plan or Timelines.
The Togbe Afede XIV led Committe is tasked to finalise the legal and administrative processes and procedures leading for the take off of the Autonomous GPL in Ghana.
The Committee which is made up others members such as Dr. Anthony Aubynn, Dr. Kwame Baah-Nuakoh, lawyer William Alhassani, Emmanuel Dasoberi and General Secretary Prosper Harrison Addo (Esq.) will soon meet all the Premier League clubs to discuss the subject matter.
The agenda for the meeting will include the Change Management strategy and plan for the implementation of the Autonomous Premier League.